Getting Personal
Every year about this time, we take stock of the decisions made last year and do a quick assessment of their success or challenge. This introspection sometimes leads to questioning the effectiveness of the work we have chosen.
These last few years have proven to be challenging to the point of frustration globally, societally, and personally. We are all experiencing the aftereffects of a global pandemic followed by political and religious turmoil in several regions. On a personal level we have had to bid farewell to so many friends and have often felt orphaned by our communities.
When I began my exodus from organized religion it had nothing to do with doctrine or ritual. I assessed the validity of what I was being taught based on my personal feeling.
My religious upbringing did nothing to make me feel fulfilled or joyful in any way. Even when I followed directions and doubled up on the prescribed “happiness prescription” it failed to materialize.
To me Spirituality means questioning everything, being willing to adjust thinking where warranted, and pursuing the happiness and wellbeing of those around us as well as ourselves.
Changes are coming. It is time to accept and embrace the divinity within each of us and begin to use that power to benefit our world.
If you find yourself in a similar unfamiliar place please feel free to drop a message.
Many Blessings: